Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Jab Tak Hai Jaan netted around Rs 12.50 crore in its first day of release on Tuesday. Jab Tak Hai Jaan's first-day collections fall short of Ra.One's debut figures, a Shah Rukh Khan starrer which was released last year.
The release of Son of Sardaar on the same day and the Diwali festivities might have hurt Jab Tak Hai Jaan's collections.
Also starring Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, Jab Tak Hai Jaan performance at single screen theatres was weaker than at multiplexes. Jab Tak Hai Jaan's first-week collections are expected to be strong due to the extended weekend.
The last directorial venture of Yash Chopra, the film has also brought together AR Rahman and Gulzar. Yash Chopra died last month, days after finishing the film.
In comparison, Son of Sardaar pulled in around Rs 8.50 crore in its first day of release at the box office, according to early estimates.
Son of Sardaar managed to pull ahead of Jab Tak Hai Jaan in some circuits like Bihar and East of Punjab, according to early estimates.
If you have nothing to do whatsoever and you have enough money to spent on such movie which has no head and tail but typical Chopra touch, then you can go and waste your time over there, pestering yourself to continue with the movie,just becuz you wanna pay homage to Mr Chopra. Yes but from junk of movie that are getting released nowadays, this has bit less junk